Monday, September 30, 2013

How is sound used within my extract? ~ 'sean of the dead'

In lesson me and my group chose to watch a scene from 'sean of the dead' (horror/comedy film).
We was asked to look at how sounds effect the scenario.
We watched the scene where there is a fight in the pub with the zombies, some of the sounds i noticed was:
~ when they are hitting the zombie with the pool stick the noise has been added in as a loud whipping sound. The noise has been over reacted so that the main focus is them whipping the zombie.
~ while this is happening, the song "dont stop me now" by Queen is playing on the jukebox ... this adds the comedy side to the fighting and the fighting seems in time with the music.
~ but the horror side is still there because of the groaning zombies and the dark and gloomy pub atmosphere.
here is the scene, this is not my video.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Own Camera Angle Shots -LESSON-

In our lesson we was taught the different types of camera angles.. Which are;
~ extreme long shot
~ long shot
~ medium shot
~ close up
~extreme close up
~ birds eye veiw
~ high angle
~ eye level
~ low angle
~ canted angle
~ pan
~ tilt
~ tracking shots
~ zooming lenses
Once we learnt these camera angles we was told to take some shots of our own to show our understanding. So here are some of the shots i took with the help of my friends modeling for me.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

-LESSON- Genres & Audiences

In this lesson I learnt about the different genres of films and what different audiences they attract. I learnt two key words "mass audience" & "niche audience" , these are just two names for a very large audience (mass) .. And a smaller audience (niche). Its not just films that can attract different audiences .. Its all kinds of media.

-LESSON- Camera angles.

In this lesson i learnt about the different angles off a camera shot, in the lesson sir gave us a couple of sheets of paper to jot down notes and sketches of each angle so we can rememer them easily. I did this then stuck both bits of work into my book. This lesson helped me understand why and how some of the angles are shot and what effect the give and how it attracks the audience.