Friday, March 21, 2014

9 frames for preliminary Task

This is our nine frames from our preliminary task.

In the first frame, we see Kayleigh walking towards the theatre, we shot this art about ten times as we kept having people walk past, kayleigh accidently kept laughing or smiling or looking at the camera but we finally got there in the end. I think the fact that there was not many people in the dinnerhall made it better to focus on Kayleigh.
The continuity shot from frame one to frame to was very smoth and we found this quite easy to do, we tryed to get frame one, two and three all very smooth as we shot it from different angles for each one but we wanted it to look like we only had to shoot this once. The end result we was hay with.
In frame four it shows a zoom in shot of me sitting on my own, this shows lonleyness and i think this heled to know i was there because if kayleigh just walked in then the audience would not know where she was going and they probrably woyuld not even know i was there.
In frame five Kayleigh has walked up to me and the begins to sit down, this shows that she has come to seak to me and the long camera shot shows that we are still alone and the only people in the theatre.
Frame six shows that Kayleigh has sat down next to me, and this was part of the 180 degree rule which is also shown in frame seven. To do this we first shot the whole convosation from one angle which was the angle in frame six, then we did the same with another angle which is angle seven, then after when we was editing we put the correct cips in the correct place. While we was filming these clis Hannah was holding up our script so we could remember what we was going to say, it took us many attempt to do this without messing up, and we also had to do this all again on a different day because the first time we shot this we forgot to turn the mic on so our dialoge could not be heard.
Frame eight shows me running down the stairs, we found that when we was doing this we should not of used the tripod as the vibration of me running down the stairs made the camera move and jog so the film was very rocky and jumpy, we should of handhed the camera instead.
When i reach to the bottom of the stairs there is a close up of me falling to the floor as shown in frame nine, i dont really like this angle at first but when Kayleigh comes over it begins to look allot more affective and you can clearly see she is comforting me.

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