Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This is the research for the props we are going to be using -

We looked into somethings we could use for our filming and we decided to use three main props.


The laptop is all black which gives the prop a evil dark kind of look and feel about it. The fact that the laptop is all black means that the focus will mainly be on the screen and will make the scree stand out even more which is good because the screen is one of the main focuses of our filming. The laptops brightness will be on full so that the light projects well onto the characters as the rest of the room will be dark and we want some of the light to go onto the doll so tat people ca see it moving in the background.


The two drinks will be bring upstairs by the girl. The two drinks show that she has had a reason to come upstairs and gives her a purpose to go into the room with Harry. We will be sing drinks like orange juice / coke drink that teenagers would normally have as it is aimed at teenagers so if they see teens in films drinking alchol they might think it is acceptable.


The doll will be a prop that is not used but it obviously see in the background. When different clips are played the doll would have moved in different places which shows here is already something not right about the room they are in and it makes people curious to why the doll is moving places. The doll itself scares some people anyways because of ow real life it is so this is an advantage. The doll will be wearing mostly light colours to give it a Innocent look but people can still see there is something not right with he doll.

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