Friday, December 13, 2013

Planning For Opening

Thinking Point
Where/when is it set? Is it filmed on set or location? Does the setting tell us anything about the genre?
Small enclosed dark room/study. The setting will me plain so it will focus more on the characters.
What props have been included? Do they tell you anything about the setting or genre? Connotative meaning?
Laptops, drinks... casual everyday things.
Natural or Artificial? Where is it coming from? Intensity? Shadows? What atmosphere is created?
Natural light from the laptop will be used on Harrys face and some artificial light might be used.
What are the characters wearing? Does this tell us anything about the characters, relationships between them, the setting? Is one colour more prevalent than others? What effect does this have?
The characters will be we wearing casual clothing and will be wearing every day wear.
What does body language and movement tell us about characters’ emotions? What kind of atmosphere is created?
Body language will be chilled as there is homelike feel to the opening but when the video begins to play the body language will change, tension will start.
Framing and composition
What has been included in the frame? How are objects positioned within the frame/in relation to each other? Are we seeing things from one person’s view point?
The objects will be positioned so that the lighting will be focusing on mainly the laptop and the characters.

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