Sunday, January 5, 2014

Preliminary Task Evaluation

What have you learnt from doing this exercise? - From completeing my preliminary task i have learnt allot of things, some of which are; i have learnt how to work as a team to create a short film. I now know how to edit correctly using the correct software, i had never edited anything before but the programme i used was very easy and simple for me to use. I also understand how the 180 degree rule much better.

What skills have i developed?- From this is have developed new skills such as;
- Editing
- Acting
- Understanding camera angles
- Understanding the 180° rule.
- Team working
- Script writing

These skills have developed throughout doing the preliminary task. If i had to choose one i am most proud of it would be editing as i had never done that before but my end film turned out okay.

What feedback have i recieved?- I have recived some feedback from my Preliminary Task. I have recived some helpful comments on the video when i uploaded it onto Youtube. The pictures below are screenshots from the comments on the video.

How would i improve my Preliminary task? - To improve my preliminary task next time i would make sure when acting i remembet where i was looking, where my hands were and what position i was in, in the last peice of film. I would also ask or research about sound as in our preliminary task our music just cuts off where as i would prefer if it faded out but i was not sure how to do it at the time.

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