Monday, April 28, 2014

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2
Below is two pictures of the characters in the opening

Harry and Jess are the two main characters in the titles and film, these two characters represent two modern day teenagers in a relationship. Harry is clearly a teenager, our film shows this by what he is wearing, things like bracelets and a onsie is the normal style of a teenager as not many older people wear this kind of thing, the way Harry has styled his hair is very different, and this shows that he takes pride in his appearence and wants to look good. Jess Is wearing a tank top and leapord print trousers, and is wearing makeup, many teenagers wear makeup and as she is wearing a low cut top, this shows she might want to impress Harry.
The way Harry and Jess play around with eachother at the end, smiling and joking about this shows maybe that they are not mature yet so they might not know the dangers that this video has brought. This shows the level of maturity and the relationship between the two of them seems happy and jolly.
The scene makes the teenagers look lazy.
We chose to use teenagers in our film to attract our audience which are also teenagers and can warn people of the dangers of the internet that teenagers may not realise.

Harry reminds me of the guy from paranormal activity, as even though he is the existance of a spirt or gohstly vibe he still jokes around and does not seem to be taking things as seriously as Jess would do.

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