Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Preliminary Task pictures and editing.

These are some of the pictures that where taken during the making and filming of our preliminary task. i have also included pictures of the screenshots from when we had fimished filming and had to edit our film.

These are the screenshot from when we was editing our film. Our editing took longer than everyone elses ecause we had to film our video twice as


Harrasing Harry

Synopsis of the opening two minutes -

Harrasing Harry is based on two main characters who are 'Harry' and 'Jess'. They are a stereotypical teenage couple of the ages 16-17 in 2013. The film is about the characters of Harry and Jess who are at home one night; Harry is upstairs scrolling through his social network sites as usual.

Suddenly, you then hear Jess come upstairs with drinks - she walks into the room that Harry is in and sits beside him with two drinks which she has brung upstairs for the both of them.  Then she places the drinks on the window side next to the bed and asks Harry what he is doing. Harry gets up and leaves the room as he need to 'go to the toilet'.

As Harry is out of the room Jess decides to go on his laptop even after he has asked her not to touch it. Jess begins to scroll down the site she is on, she comes across a video that is titled 'ARE YOU SCARED?'.

 Jess clicks play on the video and it begins to play, as she is watching this she is confused as to what it is about. Harry then scares her by shouting and running towards her. However, this is a joke but what Jess does not realise is that the video she just watched will possess her.

During this scene there is a doll that looks like a real life baby in the background of each shot that will move different places each time there is a different camera shot. This doll is moving because of the possesion activity that is taking place in the room.

Synopsis of the rest of the film -

The idea will develop from being a joke and no one believing Jess to her being possessed and commiting strange acts towards 'Harry'. The audience would be able to see the downward spiral of Jess and Harry as her being possessed destroys their relationship.

Only later in the film would  Harry realise that Jess has actually been possessed. Harry would then research the possession and how she was possessed. Consquently, there would be a showdown with Harry and the 'demon' that has possessed Jess. Jess would end up saving Harry by giving her own life.


For our Opening Titles we will be showing only two characters. These two characters will be Harry the boy and Jess the girl.

Harry is a kind on edgy rough boy who is lazy and always on his laptop surfing the internet, he is a student so still goes to school, his look is very casual but for the opening we will be shooting him in clothes that he would be wearing everyday around the house (Lazy clothes) so things like pj's, trakies, shorts, jumpers, tshirsts, onsies ... things like that.

Peter Werth  Mens Navy P1H06026 JumperMens Carrot Fit Twisted Cuffed Hem Drop Crouch Ash Grey Skinny Fit Joggers

The other character Jess is a typical teenage girl who comes with a ditsey personality who wears whatever she wants, she normally wears things like skinny jeans and jumpers, but again as we are setting his in the house she would be wearing (Lazy Day) clothing. She will be wearing things such as onsies, leggings , jumpers, tshirts, Pj's,

Unisex Junior Leopard Print Onesie with Hood
Moku Women's Crop Fisherman Knit Jumper - Neon PinkBenetton Tartan Leggings

Research (Costumes) -

Freddy Krueger is known as the 'Teenager killer'.
The costume he is wearing explains allot of things, like the jumper he is wearing looks like it could belong to a teenager so he could of took it of someone he has killed. The jumper is also very torn/distressed and ripped. This shows that he must wear this outfit allot and the fact that it is so ripped and distressed means he must be doing something that involved violence.
The colours on the jumper are also very useful, the red shows a sign of blood and the dark green/blue gives a kind of dark feel to the character.
The hat he is wearing is black which is also another dark colour and the hat seems to be worn to cover his head, and as the rest of his skin seems to be in a bad state it could be like that on his head also. The hat can also be worn to cover a bit of his face at the front as it shadows over him.
The plain black shoes and trousers give the character a human kind of look, as if to say this man was once a normal person. It seems strange as the trousers and shoes seem to be in perfect condition.
His skin is very torn and fleshy which shows the kind of unrealistic non-human side to this character. The fact that he could of been a normal human being once and now hat his skin is like this shows that something happened to him so for example he could of got burnt or something like that.
On Freddy's right hand there is a glove/knife fingered hand on him. The fact that this is only on one hand again gives a human feel to this as his other hand is normal apart from the disgusting skin on it. The glove and scissors are obviously used as a weapon of some sort because it would be weird for him to be using it for any other purpose. It also draws the audience in as they will want to see how he uses this hand to his advantage.
Overall i think the costume was well thought about as it relates to teenagers as well as real life human beings which in a way scares people.


This is the research for the props we are going to be using -

We looked into somethings we could use for our filming and we decided to use three main props.


The laptop is all black which gives the prop a evil dark kind of look and feel about it. The fact that the laptop is all black means that the focus will mainly be on the screen and will make the scree stand out even more which is good because the screen is one of the main focuses of our filming. The laptops brightness will be on full so that the light projects well onto the characters as the rest of the room will be dark and we want some of the light to go onto the doll so tat people ca see it moving in the background.


The two drinks will be bring upstairs by the girl. The two drinks show that she has had a reason to come upstairs and gives her a purpose to go into the room with Harry. We will be sing drinks like orange juice / coke drink that teenagers would normally have as it is aimed at teenagers so if they see teens in films drinking alchol they might think it is acceptable.


The doll will be a prop that is not used but it obviously see in the background. When different clips are played the doll would have moved in different places which shows here is already something not right about the room they are in and it makes people curious to why the doll is moving places. The doll itself scares some people anyways because of ow real life it is so this is an advantage. The doll will be wearing mostly light colours to give it a Innocent look but people can still see there is something not right with he doll.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Analysis Of THE EYE -



The scene i am watching is a very intense scene. It is where the girl sees the persons eyes she has been living in, in the mirror. The scene starts of as the girl waking up with very blurred vision which gives a sense of mysteriousness and shows what the girl sees so we feel what she does. Also it is quiet so sounds do not give away what could be in he room with her or what id surrounding her. After a while a blurry figure is shown, it is clear that it is a women but her face is blurred out allot so her features are not at all to be seen which still gives across a weird sense.
The girl then looks worried because she hinks hat she is seeing things, then the features of the woman stars to appear and its clear she is in no danger and the woman asks "How are you".

That is part of a aynalsis for a section of a scene.


Screenplay Draft

“Harrassing harry”
Hannah Drew and Jess Faunch

FAde In:

[Bedroom Video]

Scene begins with Harry just lying on the bed scrolling on a social network site, While jess is bringing drinks upstairs. She places the drinks down on the window sill and lays with harry. After the dialogue harry will leave the room.


What ‘you doing?


Not much, I’ll be back in a minute


Where you going?


Toilet, is that ok with you?




Don’t touch the laptop


I’m not gonna









Jess goes on Harry’s laptop, Jess is scrolling on the social networking site and comes across a video titled ~Are you scared? ~ And begins to watch. As harry leaves the bathroom he notices Jess watching and is going to try and make jess jump. As the video gets tense and ends harry jumps out and scares jess. In the end everything’s fine and happy.


What the fuck is this?


*Shouts* ARGH


*Screams* you twat *laughs*



FAde Out:

The End


Friday, December 13, 2013

My Pitch - Jessica Faunch & Hannah Drew

This is our pitch for our opening titles. The pitch was doneusing prezzie. We hesitated a bit but next time im sure we will get future class presentations better as we will have done class speaking before.

Planning For Opening

Thinking Point
Where/when is it set? Is it filmed on set or location? Does the setting tell us anything about the genre?
Small enclosed dark room/study. The setting will me plain so it will focus more on the characters.
What props have been included? Do they tell you anything about the setting or genre? Connotative meaning?
Laptops, drinks... casual everyday things.
Natural or Artificial? Where is it coming from? Intensity? Shadows? What atmosphere is created?
Natural light from the laptop will be used on Harrys face and some artificial light might be used.
What are the characters wearing? Does this tell us anything about the characters, relationships between them, the setting? Is one colour more prevalent than others? What effect does this have?
The characters will be we wearing casual clothing and will be wearing every day wear.
What does body language and movement tell us about characters’ emotions? What kind of atmosphere is created?
Body language will be chilled as there is homelike feel to the opening but when the video begins to play the body language will change, tension will start.
Framing and composition
What has been included in the frame? How are objects positioned within the frame/in relation to each other? Are we seeing things from one person’s view point?
The objects will be positioned so that the lighting will be focusing on mainly the laptop and the characters.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pitch Planning

Things  I will need to consider when doing my pitch -
  • Target audience - Gender - age
  • sound - Object sounds - Background music
  • insperation - Other films
  • genders - characters - Audience
  • characters
  • location - Avalible venues - Inside/Outside
  • props - Weapons - Devices
  • costume - Casual dress

Target Audience Infomation

Discrimination - no discriminating language or behaiviour unless disaproved of. Sexusl behaviour must be toned down to just kissing and referring sex to 'making love'. Nudity - Occasional natural nudity with no sexual content. Violence - Mild violence only / threats. Horror - not too over the top (Breif) nothing that could mentally challenge the childs brain. Drugs must be shown as illegal and make sure that behaviour that is used is not likely to be copied by children.

General veiwing but some scenes might be unsuitable for young children. Lanuage - Mild bad language only. Natural nudity with no sexual content. Sexual activity may be implied but should be discreet and infrequent. Mild sex refrences and induendos only. Drugs can be mentioned, following a anti drugs vibe along with not so real like fighting . Frightening scenes should not be prolonged or intense.


       Suitable for 12 year olds only. May upset children under 12 or contain          material parents will find unsuitable. Any use of drug must be inrequent. Modeate physical psychological thecut mat be permitted. Moderate language allowed. Nudity is allowed. Sexual activity may be breif and discretly potrayed.


Exactley the same criteria is used to classify work at 12A and 12. These categories are awarded where the material is suitable in general. Only for those ages 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them.

15 -

No one younger than 15. Drugs - shown but no promotion allowed, Horror - strong intrest allowed.Limitable behaviour as he shown. Should not aswell so copy. Language - frequent strong language nudity. Sexual - Without detail and violence can be at a strong sence.

18 -

Suitable for 18 years and over. No one younger than 18 can buy or see the film in the cinema.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Analysis Of The Opening Titles For Coraline.


1.     How does the title sequence establish genre, character and narrative?

2.    How does the title sequence attract an audience’s interest?

3.    What do you consider to be the target audience of the film and why?

4.    Who has produced the film and how is that evident in the title sequence?

The doll in the opening titles is the main focus because it seems to be the main object in each bit of the scene. The doll is quite strange and scary and the weird odd like music adds to the strangeness of the doll.

It is obvious that someone is working on the doll and planning to do something with it. When the person who is working on the dolls hands are revealed, they are not ordinary hands, they are made from metal and they seem to be quite large and scrawny like.

The doll is being ripped, torn shredded to pieces and as the doll looks like a person, in our heads we imagine this to be a real person so it could be quite disturbing.

The enclosed kind of workshop place makes it feel weird as it could be a really weird psychopath that has his own workshop/study that keeps all these strange little dolls that allot of people could find scary or abnormal.

The lighting is very artificial because the whole film is cartoon/play dough based but the lights seem to be a dark green/yellow kind of colour.

When the sewing and piercing and ripping is taking place the noises are quite strange and really do add to the effect of a strange atmosphere. Even though all the movement is in cartoon it is still really life like and weird.

The title sequence attracts the audience because it is an on-going project on the doll and they want to see what the end product will look like, also the audience will want to know what this thing/metal handed thing that is making the doll looks like and the audience will want to know what the doll has been made for and if it has a purpose.

The target audience of the film could be either children or adults. It could be suitable for children because it is cartoon based and kind orientated, as well as using the doll, allot of children have dolls. It could be targeted at adults also because the strangeness and weirdness could intrigue the adult to want to watch more.

The producers of this film are callled LAIKA, they show that they have produced the film by introducing them , here is a screenshot of where they are mentioned in the title sequence:


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

MANAMANA - Acting Practice And Shot Practice - Me,Joe,Ryan

With Joe and Ryan we were asked to practice our filming and editing skills. We worked as a team to practice camera shots and editied it so that we would have smooth transitions.

Although this was a relatively quick practice we were actually able to learn alot about contiuity.

We were very happy with our end product:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

LESSON - Video Timelaps.

In this lesson we was planning what location and characters we was going to use for our preliminary task. This lesson was 55 minutes long but we accidently picked the wrong camera setting to the video only lasts for about five seconds.

This was the first time we used the camea and the first time we had included it into our work.

Monday, September 30, 2013

How is sound used within my extract? ~ 'sean of the dead'

In lesson me and my group chose to watch a scene from 'sean of the dead' (horror/comedy film).
We was asked to look at how sounds effect the scenario.
We watched the scene where there is a fight in the pub with the zombies, some of the sounds i noticed was:
~ when they are hitting the zombie with the pool stick the noise has been added in as a loud whipping sound. The noise has been over reacted so that the main focus is them whipping the zombie.
~ while this is happening, the song "dont stop me now" by Queen is playing on the jukebox ... this adds the comedy side to the fighting and the fighting seems in time with the music.
~ but the horror side is still there because of the groaning zombies and the dark and gloomy pub atmosphere.
here is the scene, this is not my video.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Own Camera Angle Shots -LESSON-

In our lesson we was taught the different types of camera angles.. Which are;
~ extreme long shot
~ long shot
~ medium shot
~ close up
~extreme close up
~ birds eye veiw
~ high angle
~ eye level
~ low angle
~ canted angle
~ pan
~ tilt
~ tracking shots
~ zooming lenses
Once we learnt these camera angles we was told to take some shots of our own to show our understanding. So here are some of the shots i took with the help of my friends modeling for me.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

-LESSON- Genres & Audiences

In this lesson I learnt about the different genres of films and what different audiences they attract. I learnt two key words "mass audience" & "niche audience" , these are just two names for a very large audience (mass) .. And a smaller audience (niche). Its not just films that can attract different audiences .. Its all kinds of media.

-LESSON- Camera angles.

In this lesson i learnt about the different angles off a camera shot, in the lesson sir gave us a couple of sheets of paper to jot down notes and sketches of each angle so we can rememer them easily. I did this then stuck both bits of work into my book. This lesson helped me understand why and how some of the angles are shot and what effect the give and how it attracks the audience.