- Construction (2)
- Evaluation Final Task (5)
- Final Task (1)
- Planning (10)
- Preliminary Task (10)
- Research (13)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Eval 7
These two clips are from our final task, i now know how to use transitions like the ones shown. It goes from blurry to making a picture of Harry on th laptop. When i did the preliminary task we did not do many transitions because we was not that experienced with editing.
In our preliminary task we just used things like quick cuts which made things look very unprofessional and quickley done even though it was our first filing experience and did take us a while.
Monday, April 28, 2014
evaluation 6
Eval 5
Eval 4
Evaluation 2
The way Harry and Jess play around with eachother at the end, smiling and joking about this shows maybe that they are not mature yet so they might not know the dangers that this video has brought. This shows the level of maturity and the relationship between the two of them seems happy and jolly.
The scene makes the teenagers look lazy.
We chose to use teenagers in our film to attract our audience which are also teenagers and can warn people of the dangers of the internet that teenagers may not realise.
Harry reminds me of the guy from paranormal activity, as even though he is the existance of a spirt or gohstly vibe he still jokes around and does not seem to be taking things as seriously as Jess would do.
Monday, April 7, 2014
9 clips Picture Final Film
In our film we look into many ways of seeing how our film could develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products
Above is a nine frame story board of some clips in our opening titles.
Analysis Of The Task -
Our Title -
Our title is inspired by The Ring, the title for our film looks similar to the rings title apart from ours is more bold and fits with our film, as our film is based around a computer/laptop we wanted the font to look like it has been chosen on a computer document so we used the font called Bold Gothic standard. The rings title is also quite simple like ours and the colours are the same, but i noticed that The rings title is more faded and is outlined by a circle going around the letters. We thought this would be a good way to show our title because it is bold which will stand out and stick into peoples minds. Another thing about our title is the fact that the background is just plain black, it makes the audience focus on the title and thin about what the film could include. Our title also has use of alliteration which can make people remember what he film is called so it is a good way for it to stick i peoples minds.
Setting/Location -
For our setting/location we have used a home environment, the main setting is in a bedroom, to give a enclosed ( no way out ) feel to the scene. This is very much like the film Paranormal activity. In paranormal activity it is mainly based in a bedroom, and in the bedroom is when most of the paranormal activity happens, this is like out setting because the paranormal activity of the laptop happens in the bedroom whilst someone is in it. We thought that using the idea of a teenage bedroom would relate to allot of teenagers because stereotypically most teenagers spend allot of time in their bedroom as its where they feel most safe and where they can in a way get away from reality, the idea of paranormal activity can come across as something intruding into someones personal space which can put people on edge. In the bedroom we used it was very plain and the colours where very washed out, the room was very small which could make he audience take the position of the character which would feel costraphobic and unsafe with no way out. The fact that the room is quite plain makes the characters stand out as they are the main attraction in the room.
Costumes and Props -
For the costumes we had the characters wearing just casual teenager 'chill out' clothing, so things such as onsies and pj's which makes things look real and gives of the impression that the teenagers could be lazy and links to the idea of a teenager always being in their bedroom. The props we use such as the laptop is the main focus and the main prop, we used a laptop because thats what teenagers like to use and the interent is on the laptop and all teenagers know or do use the interent. It also can give across a message that the interent is not a very safe place as when the girl 'Jess' clicks onto a video, this is what starts of the whole possesion and that bad hings will be happening to her. When the camera work shows Jess walking up the stairs with two drinks in her hand, we wanted the drink to be of a blood kind of colour so we brought a red drink called Tizer and we used this so that it contracsts with the idea of blood which might not be obvious to the audience but it is still one of our ideas. At the end of the film there is a close up of the baby doll and some dolls around it, there was a flash of this baby in her room in the video but Jess does not seem to notice this, the idea of using this prop and showing it at the end shows that the baby may have moved there after the video and shows that some form of spirit has enterd the room. The doll idea came from the film Women In Black, in women in black dolls are shown, maybe as a sign of innocence turning into evil and dolls maybee show a sign of possesion.
Camera work & Editing -
As you can see in the second frame, the close up we used on the laptop shows that is is important and this is one of the main props. The filming was based just upstairs, which gives the audience a imagineation idea of what downstairs could be like. When Jess clicks onto the video she is going to watch on the laptop, it shows her sitting there and when she clicks it you hear the click ten the video begins to play, the screen just shows the video so it makes the audience feel like they are personally watching the video. When the video is over we used slow motion on Harry when he comes out of the toilet, this shows that since the video has played, something has happend to harry and he has changed, by his body language and the lighting. But the harry snaps out of it and becomes normal, this was strange and because we see the way he was before but Jess did not, this gives the audience the idea of knowing something that could put the character in danger.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Final Task -
This is our final task, we have put it on youtube.
Starring Jessica Faunch & Harry clarke.
Friday, March 21, 2014
9 frames for preliminary Task
This is our nine frames from our preliminary task.
In the first frame, we see Kayleigh walking towards the theatre, we shot this art about ten times as we kept having people walk past, kayleigh accidently kept laughing or smiling or looking at the camera but we finally got there in the end. I think the fact that there was not many people in the dinnerhall made it better to focus on Kayleigh.
The continuity shot from frame one to frame to was very smoth and we found this quite easy to do, we tryed to get frame one, two and three all very smooth as we shot it from different angles for each one but we wanted it to look like we only had to shoot this once. The end result we was hay with.
In frame four it shows a zoom in shot of me sitting on my own, this shows lonleyness and i think this heled to know i was there because if kayleigh just walked in then the audience would not know where she was going and they probrably woyuld not even know i was there.
In frame five Kayleigh has walked up to me and the begins to sit down, this shows that she has come to seak to me and the long camera shot shows that we are still alone and the only people in the theatre.
Frame six shows that Kayleigh has sat down next to me, and this was part of the 180 degree rule which is also shown in frame seven. To do this we first shot the whole convosation from one angle which was the angle in frame six, then we did the same with another angle which is angle seven, then after when we was editing we put the correct cips in the correct place. While we was filming these clis Hannah was holding up our script so we could remember what we was going to say, it took us many attempt to do this without messing up, and we also had to do this all again on a different day because the first time we shot this we forgot to turn the mic on so our dialoge could not be heard.
Frame eight shows me running down the stairs, we found that when we was doing this we should not of used the tripod as the vibration of me running down the stairs made the camera move and jog so the film was very rocky and jumpy, we should of handhed the camera instead.
When i reach to the bottom of the stairs there is a close up of me falling to the floor as shown in frame nine, i dont really like this angle at first but when Kayleigh comes over it begins to look allot more affective and you can clearly see she is comforting me.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Ideas for Production Company Logo/Name -
Costumes -
~ Costumes will have to look very realistic and the costume will match the characters personality. The expectation is that the costume has to look scary but that is not always the case.
How does the costumes suggest a historical period?
~ The orange jumpsuit shows a part of the late 50's - 90's
What does the costume say about the characters background?
~ The costumes suggests that the character could have some personal issues, therefore he is needed to be strapped in and wear a straight jacket. The orange jumpsuit tells us he is from America and that he is a prisoner as this is what the have to wear.
What does the costume indicate on how the character feels?
~ The character is wearing a jumpsuit / straight jacket which could make him feel claustrophobic.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Research - Horror films
What makes a horror character frightening?
A horror character needs to have a mysterious feel about it. The characters body language and facial expressions show what kind of character this is. Also if the character is hidden e.g. masks, sillouettes, blurred out.
How effective are the antagonists in horror films?
The antagonists are the main focus on the horror part of the film, for example in the start/middle of the films if the antagonists face is not given away it builds suspence.
Why are costumes so important?
- Show what type if personality the character has.
- Show where they are living (rough, scruffy, worn and torn) shows the character is not from a posh place.
- "Brand" the horror characters signature costume, e.g. (Saw "Jigsaw") wears the same thing every time so people recognise him.
Preliminary Task Evaluation
What have you learnt from doing this exercise? - From completeing my preliminary task i have learnt allot of things, some of which are; i have learnt how to work as a team to create a short film. I now know how to edit correctly using the correct software, i had never edited anything before but the programme i used was very easy and simple for me to use. I also understand how the 180 degree rule much better.
What skills have i developed?- From this is have developed new skills such as;
- Editing
- Acting
- Understanding camera angles
- Understanding the 180° rule.
- Team working
- Script writing
These skills have developed throughout doing the preliminary task. If i had to choose one i am most proud of it would be editing as i had never done that before but my end film turned out okay.
What feedback have i recieved?- I have recived some feedback from my Preliminary Task. I have recived some helpful comments on the video when i uploaded it onto Youtube. The pictures below are screenshots from the comments on the video.
How would i improve my Preliminary task? - To improve my preliminary task next time i would make sure when acting i remembet where i was looking, where my hands were and what position i was in, in the last peice of film. I would also ask or research about sound as in our preliminary task our music just cuts off where as i would prefer if it faded out but i was not sure how to do it at the time.
Script for Preliminary task
Kayleigh walks into the hall to take a seat next to Jess who is sitting on her own.
"Are you okay?"
"Not really"
"Whats up? Do you need a chat?"
"I'll be fine"
"Please, you can trust me you know you can"
"My mum and me had a arguement last night and she is threatning to kick me out"
"Oh my god, im so sorry to hear that, i hope everything turns out okay"
"I've gotta go"
Jess gets up and rushes past Kayleigh and down the stairs, as she gets to the bottom of the stairs she breaks down in tears and begins to cry and fall on the floor.
"Jess!" (shouts)
Kayleigh gets up from her seat and hurrys down the stairs to comfort Jess. When she gets to Jess she sits down beside her and puts her arm on her.
"Come on, it will be okay"
180 Degree Rule
What is it?
The 180 degree rule is where the cameras are placed to show the correct shots of characters so that the characters eyelines match up. In the diagram below it shows two characters and it shows where the correct angle for each camera needs to be to create the 180 degree rule, the camera with the cross through it shows that the camera should not be there so therefore it is in the wrong place.